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 Reasons why Forex is not for everyone

Forex is not for everyone is one of the popular says currently in the forex market ,My argument To this say is that : It is True WHY ? because

Forex trader must a discplined person : Discpline is one of the essentials in most of the businesses To become successful ,In forex discpline includes sticking To your trading plan ,trading systems and your check list consistently  for massive profits ,only few people can adhere to these principles due FOMO etc

Forex trader must be patient : Always I tell my students at blackforexgroup that any order or trade placed must consist of some elements of patience for its accuracy ,in forex it is not about only buying and selling but also waiting for accurate signals To buy or sell at right price so that to reduce risk,Most people are not patient especially when comes To money

Forex needs a hard and smart working people: It needs a person who is ready to work with commitment on his or her goal,once a forex trader always a student which means that we never stop learning in forex,Dont believe your cap is full as Robert koyosaki says

Forex trader takes risks
Are your ready To loose money? If your not forex is not for you,something good about risk is thaf The more your risk The greater your rewards in forex,therefore risk management is one of the best concept you mist be aware in forex trading

: For more hints in forex trading join my instagram page by the name FradoFx but also on youtube

Email fradofxacademy@gmail.com

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